Instagram of the Day: Photographer Taking Portraits with a 160-Year-Old Camera
Giles Clement has about 30,000 subscribers on Instagram.

American photographer Giles Clement posts portraits on his Instagram that he took using tintype and ambrotype methods, which were popular in late 19th century.
“It’s my creative outlet, my means of communication and, thankfully, a way of paying rent,” Clement says. “Even after shooting full time for 16 years, I still get a little kick of adrenaline each time I make a good image.”
He says that it doesn’t take him very long time to create the images, only about 10 minutes. Clement uses ancient equipment, which allows him to obtain the desired result: “My lenses have scratches and my cameras are missing a screw or two, but all of this makes for images that are slightly imperfect — just the way I like them.”