
Links of the Week

Talking neon, Lego for Le Corbusier, retro photographs with a bear imitator, and a cat man in the weekly digest by Bird In Flight.

Unreal America

Nico Krebs and Taiyo Onorato published a collection of collages about a trip around America created without graphic editors.

Bear with Me

Jean-Marie Donat has spent 20 years collecting photographs of Germans with bear imitators, taken between 1920 and 1960.

Square Meters

Malte Brandenburg tries to see minimalist beauty in concrete panel apartment buildings.

Do You Have a Light?

David Drake made neon signs central characters in his photo project.

Pieced Together

Arndt Schlaudraff builds examples of constructivist architecture from Lego. On his Instagram account you can see Villa Shodhan by Le Corbusier, Tate Modern Gallery in London, experimental house by Giuseppe Perugini and many other buildings.

You Are My Universe

Juan Osorno draws portraits of stars, planets, and galaxies.

Folded Art

Simon Schubert folds white paper into drawings.

All Natural

Martin Hill creates geometric sculptures from natural materials.

Wildly Domesticated

Areca Roe documents the life of exotic creatures in regular apartments.

Body Limits

Meltem Isik puts together portraits of people and animals from the fragments of photographs of the human body.

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