American Photographer Creates Project 35,000 km Long

For the series “The Last Stop” Ryann Ford drove through seventeen US states making photos of roadside rest areas.

As soon as she learned that US roadside rest areas were being closed and demolished, photographer Ryann Ford decided to make the project “The Last Stop.” She decided to capture the diversity of the architectural forms of the rest spots. For the last five years, Ford travelled over 35,000 km, and was able to make images of 150 rest stops.

Recently she launched a Kickstarter campaign to publish a photo book illustrating that rest space is an important part of American culture.

“When interstate highways were first built, passing up many small towns, rest stops were a way to reconnect people to the places they were traveling though. They gave small towns a chance to show their cultural significance. All over the country, rest areas were being closed, and some demolished. Many felt that they were no longer necessary with so many fast food restaurants and travel centers,” says Ford.

Ford was able to collect $10,018 of the needed $25,000. You can make a pledge until December 17th.

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