Artist Turned a Field into Van Gogh’s Painting Reproduction

Stan Herd spent six months to turn a field near Eagan into the reproduction of Olive Trees.

64-year-old artist Stan Herd planted the plants on one of the fields in Eagan (Minnesota, US) in such a way that from the bird’s eye it resembles a reproduction of Olive Trees by Vincent van Gogh.

According to Colossal, it took about six months to complete the project commissioned by the Minneapolis Institute of Art.

The field is located by the local airport, so the passengers could see the work when they fly by.

Herd created the first similar piece in Kansas in 1981, and since then he has completed dozens of projects like this.

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{“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Van-Gogh_02.jpg”, “text”: “”},
{“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Van-Gogh_03.jpg”, “text”: “”},
{“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Van-Gogh_04.jpg”, “text”: “”}

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