Blog of the Day: Old Photos Comes to Life

French photographer and animator Nicolas Monterrat makes animated GIF from old photos.

French photographer and animator Nicolas Monterrat created the blog Un gif dans ta gueule… (A gif in the mouth…), where he posts animated GIFs made from historical photos.

{“img”: “”, “text”: “”}

{“img”: “”, “text”: “”}

{“img”: “”, “text”: “”}

{“img”: “”, “text”: “”}

{“img”: “”, “text”: “”}

{“img”: “”, “text”: “”}

{“img”: “”, “text”: “”}

{“img”: “”, “text”: “”}

{“img”: “”, “text”: “”}

{“img”: “”, “text”: “”}

{“img”: “”, “text”: “”}

{“img”: “”, “text”: “”}

{“img”: “”, “text”: “”}

{“img”: “”, “text”: “”}

{“img”: “”, “text”: “”}

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