Instagram of the Day: Painted Superhero Costumes

Kay Pike paints her body and transforms into different characters.

Canadian artist and photo model Kay Pike posts photographs and short videos on her Instagram account @kaypikefashion, where she transforms herself into superheroes by painting superhero costumes on her body, TJournal writes.

Pike has been doing cosplay her whole life, but due to the disease that affects her joints, she cannot spend long hours sewing anymore or wear heavy things on her. After some time she found a way out and started to paint costumes onto herself.

I Painted a Lady Deadpool on yesterday! Very excited to see the new movie. This video has our favourite 4rth wall humour #deadpool is famous for. Ever since @lustredust painted me as Lady Deadpool for @edmontonexpoofficial I've been itching to get back into character! I'm really very happy with this one! I used three lighting sources, one ambient white, one spotlight blue and and one pin-light yellow. I was doing a #speedrun paint so I could see how fast I can go after two months of practice, it only took 5 hours! I'm cereal! I had help in my #twitchtv stream, the chat was dictated to me so I could socialize with everyone without having to read and it took this level of paint (normally I would stream for 14 hours) down to a reasonable level! I had time to make balloon things for people and just play and hangout and feel good before a photo-shoot. My moderators were really helping too <3 <3 <3 I HAVE PROOF I can paint end entertain in a reasonable amount of time! SO EVERYONE tell your favourite convention! #ladydeadpool #deadpoolmovie @vancityreynolds @robliefeld #robliefeld #fabiannicieza #rhettreese #paulwernick @briannahilde @edskrein @teenagemillionaire #morenabaccarin @ginajcarano @stefankapicic @deadpoolmovie @deadpool_4real @deadpoolfacts @deadpool.marvel @calgaryexpo @cineplexmovies @kryolanofficial @mehronmakeup @mehroncanada @sephora @bennyemakeup @geekfantasymagazine @comicsandcoffee @comicbookresources @geekculture @badasscosplay @epiccomicpics @marvel @marvel_pics #makeup #bodypaint #yyc #calgary #mua #makeupartist #comic #comicbooks #illusion #costume #cosplay #cospaint #bodyart @twitch #twitchcreative #twitch #marvel #fanart #marveluniverse

Видео опубликовано ? Kay Pike ? (@kaypikefashion)

Captain Canuck Bodypaint I painted on! Here is the replay and Give a follow <3 as I'll be painting tomorrow in a special speed run paint, my goal is keep it under 6 hours! :D Captain Canuck is our Canadian superhero. He has been around since the seventies so he's been a thing here for a while! If you've been to a comic convention in Canada you've probably Met Richard Comely, the writer. He's a really nice guy! For those of you that don't know Captain Canuck you should check out the reboot web series on youtube Otherwise feel free to speculate on "super powers" in the comments, I heard some hilarious guesses on what a Canadian super hero can do in the chat on twitch yesterday XD #captaincanuck @captaincanuck #canadian #canada #comics #red #white #canada #comic #illusion @tatianamaslany @supervandie @amoz76 @ajayfry @canada @twitch @c4_winnipeg @kryolanofficial @northernfancon @calgaryexpo @mehronmakeup @mehroncanada #makeup #bodypaint #bodyart #painting #yyc #calgary #makeupartist #canuck #twitchtv #twitch #hero #comichero #mua #paint #art @yycnow @calgaryarts @yycdesigns @globalcalgary @calgary.ab @calgaryherald #flag #costume #cosplay #cospaint

Видео опубликовано ? Kay Pike ? (@kaypikefashion)

This is the Captain Planet Bodypaint I painted on Tuesday night! “We need a super hero for the Earth. Let's call him Captain Planet" No other cartoon I watched as a child has had as much impact on my day-to-day adult life. This show respected it's audience. It was a ridiculous cartoon, yes BUT it got a young persons mind thinking about more going on in the world, not just the TV in front of them. This show handles and delivered to kids way more mature topics then any got anywhere else. Disease, desolation of species, environmental impact, racism, cultural-ism, economic and political issues etc. We got SO much more out of this show then others presented to us. I like being engaged with the real world. and Captain Planet really is my hero. :) #captainplanet #planeteers #eco #ecofriendly #environment #green #planet #earth #superhero #power #retro #cartoon #90s @twitch #twitchcreative #artist  #creative #art #paint #painting  #bodyart #illusion #opticalillusion #facepaint #facepainting #mua #bodypaint #makeup @kryolanofficial #paradisemakeupaq #mehron #mehronmakeup @mehronmakeup @mehroncanada PS. So many of you were asking in stream so here a special make-up hint I made this ridiculous florescent turquoise skintone that was soooo violent and radio-active looking on camera "Captain Planet Cyan" with 1 part Paradise Teal 1 Part Lt.Blue + 4-5 parts white.

Видео опубликовано ? Kay Pike ? (@kaypikefashion)

This is the Two-Face we painted on last night (and today technically) this one was very detailed, very very detailed. But a beautiful image, (thanks twitch chat for suggestion) It was fun, @lustredust came over and we did a tandem paint. It was so fun, but so tired. IReally looking forward to the photos on this one, even though it isn't full body the feedback so far has been good! If you want to have a look at the images right now I'm streaming on twitch #getmygoodside #dontgetexcited #wetwetwet @dccomics #batman #gotham #twoface #harveydent @twitch #twitchcreative #art #artist #paint #makeup #twoface @batman #dc @batman.official 3bodyart #yyc #streaming #live #kaypike #painting

Видео опубликовано ? Kay Pike ? (@kaypikefashion)

This was a Colossal effort ? See a full video on my periscope! with one facepaint lesson from @lustredust this is what you can do too! For cereal I was lent a huge palette to practice with. So this being the first day I can move in almost a week had a great activity to do ??? Things I learned about bodypaint this time around: 1:I need more than 6 brushes… I would have saved half an hour of time off in colour changes. 12 colours 36 brushes. Just do it. 2: premix custom colours for more speed. 3: Red is the devil. I'll post more when I feel a little better ☺ #titan #attackontitan #bodypaint #bodyart #facepaint @lustredust #anime #otaku #red #muscle #anatomy #creepy #illusion #artist #makeup #yyc #attackontitancosplay #colossaltitan @attackontitan #friendship #friendshipismagic

Видео опубликовано ? Kay Pike ? (@kaypikefashion)

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