Moises Saman became a photographer for Magnum Agency

Magnum hired Moises Saman, an American photographer born in Peru, and elected Martin Parr president of the photo society.

At the 67th annual meeting of Magnum photographers that took place on the 26-29th of June in New York City, Moises Saman was accepted as a full-time member of the agency, according to press-release. This year’s Nominee was Zorab Hula from India, and Martin Parr, who has been executing presidential duties since December of 2013, was elected president of Magnum Photos International by majority of votes.

Joining Magnum is a lengthy process: once a year the agency selects “Nominee” candidates, two years later each of them can present their new portfolio to be considered for an Associate Member of the cooperative, and after two more years — a full lifelong Magnum member.

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“alt”: “Moises Saman 1”,
“text”: ” © Moises Saman”
“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/moises-saman-slider-2.jpg”,
“alt”: “Moises Saman 2”,
“text”: ” © Moises Saman”
“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/moises-saman-slider-3.jpg”,
“alt”: “Moises Saman 3”,
“text”: ” © Moises Saman”
“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/moises-saman-slider-4.jpg”,
“alt”: “Moises Saman 4”,
“text”: ” © Moises Saman”
“img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/moises-saman-slider-5.jpg”,
“alt”: “Moises Saman 5”,
“text”: ” © Moises Saman”

At the agency’s meeting in June other staff changes got approved: David Kogan, the former head of Reuters Television, replaced Georgio Psacharapulo as CEO. Now he will be dealing with the task of strengthening Magnum as a brand, implementing new work principles for the global organization and developing the agency’s longterm strategy as in 2017 Magnum will be turning 70.

Martin Parr sums up the meeting with the following statement: “It’s a wonderful time for Magnum. We have the most talented photographers from various fields join us. We began working with the digital environment and social media. <...> Georgio Psacharapulo came to Magnum during one of the most difficult times, yet he accomplished his task. I’m certain that David Kogan’s experience in media and entrepreneurism, as well as his intricate understanding of photography, will guide Magnum into the right direction for its growth”.

Note: Magnum Photos is the oldest photo agency in the world, founded by Henry Cartier-Bresson, Robert Capa, George Rodgers and David Seymour in 1947. It focuses on photojournalism, and today it brings together 85 professionals.

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