NatGeo Photographer Showcases 90 Days of an Asian Voyage in a 90 Second Video

American photojournalist David Guttenfelder created one-and-a-half minute video featuring three months spent in South-East Asia.

American photographer David Guttenfelder created a one-and-a-half minute video, “Life on the Mekong River.” Each second of the short film features one day of his expedition in Southeast Asia. The video depicts the dynamics of working as a National Geographic journalist, writes РetaРixel.

The three months shown in the video were part of a three-year project of Guttenfelder, who is exploring the dams of the Mekong River.

“While most people think of it as a dream job, the reality can be a lot more complex. The video is full of tiny visual trinkets that individually might not mean much, but together tell a whole story,” said National Geographic.

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