Video Designer Films His Body – From Inside

Dmitry Zakharov created a 3D object of his own body and made a video installation, “Inside Me."

Cologne based visual designer Dmitry Zakharov works with video and animation. His new project is based on a 3D-scan technique, which allowed him to reproduce an image of his own body and made it possible to view this object from the inside. A virtual tour is accompanied with music by Nils Frahm.

“The idea of digitizing a body and hence the creation and deformation of its computer generated self, reflects the digital world we live in today. We create an alternative world in which everybody can be what they want to be. In some way, it resembles an act of creation. We never stop building more worlds for ourselves, even though there are already various ones encircling us that we don’t even understand yet,” commented Zakharov.

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