Teen Draws His Name with the Moon

n American teen set his camera to long exposure, captured the moon in the center of focus, and waved camera to write “John” in the sky.

A 15 year old resident of Florida, John Kraus, published on his website an image of the night sky with his glowing name appearing in the center, says fastcodesign.com.

Kraus decided to use a long exposure to capture the moon, and discovered how to smear the image by moving his camera and began making words on the photo with a “smeared moon.”

“This all started out as an accident. Since I don’t own a tripod, I attempted to use a music stand to take a long exposure of the moon. When pressing the shutter button, the camera moved, creating a line. I then realized that I could replicate light painting with the moon. After 105 attempts and around half an hour, I got something I found presentable,” writes Kraus.

{ “img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/3041759-slide-s-2-this-photographers-signature-was-written.jpg”, “text”: “” },
{ “img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/3041759-slide-s-3-this-photographers-signature-was-written.jpg”, “text”: “” }

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