
Links of the Week

Edible pantones, cats in the White House, a guide of the world restrooms, and whale dragons in the weekly digest by Bird In Flight.

Garbage Sea

Stuart Haygarth turned a collection of garbage that he picked up when traveling along the South coast of England into an installation.

Balkan Guards

The authors of Perito Burrito blog told a story of the most unusual monuments in the Balkans that date back to the times of WWII.

For Ambitious Cats

Poopy Cat company is planning to create cat houses shaped like world attractions. It won’t be long before the cats can move — the amount necessary to start the project was raised on Kickstarter before the deadline.

Guide of the Most Important Things

Lonely Planet issued a guide of the most picturesque restrooms around the world.

Ghost Island

Alex Stevenson visited Poveglia, an abandoned island in the Venice lagoon, which was used to house plague victims and as an asylum for the mentally ill in the past.

New York from the Past

Carrie Boretz has photographed strangers in the streets of New York City for 30 years.

How It All Started

James Ball showed what the pioneers of the computer era looked like.

Equaled the Colors

BuzzFeed imagined how Instagram’s new brand colors would look on the logos of other famous brands.

Plush Donors

Second Life Toys transplants plush parts to broken toys to draw attention to the importance of organ donation. People can send their toys for repair or offer them for donor parts.

Multi-Purpose Designer

Holly Fox bakes edible pantones and posts them on Instagram.

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