Blogger Checks Reaction to ‘All Lives Matter’ Poster in Black Districts

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American video blogger Joey Salads uploaded a video where he checked how African-Americans react to the poster that says ‘All Lives Matter’, which is a reference to Black Lives Matter.

Salads started his experiment from venturing out to the white district of one of the American cities and standing there for some time with a ‘Black Lives Matter’ poster — the passersby had no visible reaction to it.

When the blogger moved to the black quarters and pulled out an ‘All Lives Matter’ poster, the locals soon started approaching him and asking to stay away from their neighborhood. The most polite advice that he heard was to hide the poster and leave before he had any problems.

The Black Lives Matter movement gained momentum in 2014 after the events in Ferguson, where a local cop shot at a black teen, Michael Brown, six times.

The incident led to mass protests, the outraged citizens accused law enforcement of race prejudice. Since then, Black Lives Matter has become a nationwide movement: the supporters often hold demonstrations for the rights of African-American communities all over the country.

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