Lingerie Brand Creates Advertising Featuring a 56-Year-Old Model

Scottish model named Mercy Brewer took part in the shoot for Lonely Lingerie's new collection at the age of 56.

Brewer has been in the modeling business for over 30 years, and she was most famous in the 1980s. “Perceptions of beauty have and always will change, therefore I think we can conclude its standard is not set in stone, and new beauty is always waiting to be discovered,” Brewer says. The founder of the brand, Helene Morris, thinks that the shoot featuring Brewer will expand ‘people’s visual vocabulary,’ Elle writes. “I believe we are in a moment in time where older women’s beauty has been a startling revelation,” Brewer adds.

This is not the first time when Lonely Lingerie does an unconventional shoot for their collection. Last year, the lingerie brand was advertised by a transgender model named Aurel Haize Odogbo, and Lonely Lingerie’s website publishes photographs of regular women wearing lingerie.

56-летняя модель снялась для марки нижнего белья. Мерси Брюэр для Lonely Lingerie. Интернет — журнал
56-летняя модель снялась для марки нижнего белья. Мерси Брюэр для Lonely Lingerie. Интернет — журнал
56-летняя модель снялась для марки нижнего белья. Мерси Брюэр для Lonely Lingerie. Интернет — журнал
56-летняя модель снялась для марки нижнего белья. Мерси Брюэр для Lonely Lingerie. Интернет — журнал
56-летняя модель снялась для марки нижнего белья. Мерси Брюэр для Lonely Lingerie. Интернет — журнал

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