China Returns Passport to Artist Ai Weiwei

After four years of not being able to travel abroad, the dissident is free to go overseas.

On Wednesday, July 22, the Chinese artist and dissident, Ai Weiwei received his passport that was taken by Chinese authorities more than four years ago. He posted the news on Instagram.

First and foremost, Ai Weiwei is planning to visit Germany, where his son lives. In September he wants to visit London where a personal exhibition will be opened.

Ai Weiwei’s passport was seized in 2011. He was arrested and accused of tax default exceeding $1.5 million. After spending more than three months in the prison, he was released on bail. Meanwhile, the sum of the tax default increased. It was partially covered by charity contributions of his fans.

According to the artist himself, the passport was seized due to his criticism of the Chinese government.

(Photo on the cover:

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