Another Optical Illusion Like “The Dress”
While journalist Matt Pearce shot photos of banners marking the second anniversary of the Boston marathon bombing, he discovered another blue and gold optical illusion

While Los Angeles Times reporter Matt Pearce was shooting banners commemorating victims of the Boston Marathon bombings, he noticed that one of the photos changed colors in different shades of light much like the case with infamous black and blue dress.
Odd: New banners in Boston to mark the bombing make the same optical illusion as The Dress.
— Matt Pearce (@mattdpearce) 15 апреля 2015
I'm pretty sure they're supposed to be white and gold? Anyway, this is awkward.
— Matt Pearce (@mattdpearce) 15 апреля 2015
Mediaite writes that all their journalists came to the general consensus of “Please, God, not again.”