Lego Photo Exhibition Opens in Seattle

The primary focus of the “In Lego, We Connect” project is Lego plastic minifigures.

On March 5th there was an opening at the Bryan Ohno Gallery in Seattle of the exhibition “In Lego, We Connect” by photographers Shelly Corbett, Boris Vanrillaer Vesa Lehtimaki. The focus of the exhibition is Lego minifigures.

“I do not look at the Lego as a toy,” said photographer Vesa Lehtimaki to Geek Wire. “I look at them as serious subjects of photography. I like the challenge the Lego brick poses, the shiny surface of the featureless plastic is just begging to be lit differently.”

The photographers primarily shot the minifigures outside. “Once you are in the woods, things just don’t work as perfectly as snapping two bricks together. Wind knocks over the figure, rain gets the camera wet,” said Shelly Corbett.

The exhibition will be open until April 11th. More info can be found on the joint site of the photographers Stuck In Plastic.

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{ “img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/lego_14.jpg”, “text”: ” ” }

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