Marsala is Color of the Year 2015

The most popular color this coming year will be the color of earthy red wine.

According to the annual tradition Pantone Color Institute named the color, which in their view, will be the most popular in the design and fashion industry in the next year. Brown-red marsala color (named after the desert Sicilian vine), “Is a subtly seductive shade, one that draws us in to its embracing warmth,” says Leatrice Eiseman Executive Director, Pantone Color Institute.

Pantone Color Institute has forecast consumers’ color preferences since 2000. Its specialists follow color changes and analyze trends in mass culture: in films, fashion shows, the artworld, design and attributes of social and political events.

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{ “img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/marsala_04.jpg”},
{ “img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/marsala_02.jpg”},
{ “img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/marsala_03.jpg”}

Color of the Year 2014 was Radiant Orchid.

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