New Animated Film Made from Disney’s Sketches

New Blu-ray edition of “Sleeping Beauty”, the last animated film produced by Walt Disney, has been released.

Never before seen scenes from the original 1959 film features extras in the new edition.

The sketches include the Vulture, a character which was supposed to be a henchman for the evil Maleficent. As USA Today reported, sketches of vulture character were found by researchers at the Walt Disney Animation Research Library.

Two other never before seen scenes include: Princess Aurora meeting Prince Phillip, and Maleficent casting a spell on princess Aurora in front of Maleficent’s maid, a character who did not appear in the original version of the film.

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{ “img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/disney_03.jpg”, “alt”: “Из неопубликованных скетчей Диснея сделали мультики” },
{ “img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/disney_05.jpg”, “alt”: “Из неопубликованных скетчей Диснея сделали мультики” }

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