Photo Featuring Spielberg and a Dinosaur Thought to be Real

IGN Movie Editor Chris Tilly tweeted a photo from Jurassic Park’s shooting that was thought to be a photo with a real animal.

After Chris Tilly, an IGN Movie editor, tweeted a 22-year-old photo of Steven Spielberg with a dinosaur. American animal right defenders responded with angry messages arguing for dinosaurs rights.

Among those who were angry with Spielberg was Joyce Carol Oates, a two time Pulitzer Prize nominee:

“I now no longer know if I’m being trolled, if people are in on the joke, if it’s causing genuine anger, or if society is simply doomed,” tweeted Tilly later.

This isn’t the first time a photo of Spielberg was displayed as a hunter trophy image. One year ago an American humorist Jay Branscomb asked to share the image “so the world can name and shame this despicable man.” His Facebook post collected more than 40,000 shares and about 12,000 comments.

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