Traveler Makes Video from 6,286 Photos

Freelancer photographer made a time lapse video about his 3 year world travels.

Photographer Kien Lam uploaded Time and Again a video about his three year journey through 15 countries. According to Lam, in 2011 he decided to leave his full-time job as a photographer and become a freelancer in order to combine work and his passion for travels. Lam was doing freelance work in various countries and also making time-lapse video of landscapes. For the final video he used 6,286 photos of landscapes if Nepal, Mexico, Australia, UAE, India, New Zealand, Nicaragua and other countries.

It is not Lam’s first work. In 2011 he has published a video «Time is nothing» about his travels through 17 countries over one year. Internet users’ interest in the video has inspired the photographer to begin a new journey.

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