Playing cards designed for Ukrainians to learn about explosive hazards

Fenix ​​Insight, a British explosive ordnance disposal company, has designed a card deck for the people living in Ukraine. The cards feature images with information on various projectiles and landmines that the civilians can come across. The project helps recognize threats and accurately report them to specialized services.

The organization has experience using similar card decks in Afghanistan and Yemen. Fenix ​​Insight points out that playing cards are a portable, cheap, and simple way to learn, regardless of age, gender, or ethnicity. The deck contains 60 images of unexploded ordnance items and shows their names in Ukrainian and English.

Playing cards with explosive objects. Photos: Fenix Insight

The company self-funded the design and production of the first 10 thousand packs but plans to manufacture over 100 thousand. To make it possible, Fenix ​​Insight started a crowdfunding campaign on the JustGiving platform. One deck costs just short of £2, and as of this writing, the team has raised £8,000.

“Five million refugees are expected to return to Ukraine when the war ends. These people will encounter ordnance in and around their homes and workplaces, including the fields essential to the agricultural industry. Clearance will take years, during which time people will be exposed to danger from a wide variety of ordnance on a daily basis,” the company points out. Fenix ​​Insight representatives are hopeful that their playing cards will help Ukrainians avoid danger and may be especially useful for children.

Photo: Fenix Insight

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