Saatchi Gallery Announced the Shortlist for UK/raine Contest

The best thirty works were chosen from more than 10,000 submissions, and the names of the winners will be announced on November 23.

London Saatchi Gallery announced the list of finalists of UK/raine contest for young artists from Ukraine and the UK. From more than 10,000 submissions the jury chose 30 best works. The names of the winners will be announced on November 23.

The finalists in the Installation category are Ukrainians Anton Logov, Roman Mikhailov, Anna Sorokovaya and British artists Felicity Hammond, Rebecca Molloy and Amba Sayal-Bennett. In the Painting category the best were the works of Roman Minin, Yuriy Pikul, Artem Volokitin from Ukraine and Dominic Beattie, Sophia Starling and Kyung Hwa Shon from the UK. The best works chosen in Street Art category were by Andriy Khir, Sasha Kurmaz, Dima Mykytenko, Matthew Spenser, Lynsey Henderson, and a Ukrainian duo Dilk & Feros. Jonny Briggs, Emma Critchley, Ukrainian art group DIS/ORDER, Christopher Nunn, Sergiy Petlyuk and Andriy Sydorenko. Masha Batsea, Olivia Bax, Jamie Fitzpatrick, Maria Kulikovska, Adeline Monseignat and Finbar Ward were shortlisted in the Sculpture category.

The winner of the main prize will receive £20,000, the winner of each respective category will receive £10,000 each. In addition, the works of the finalists will be exhibited in Saatchi Gallery between November 24, 2015 and January 3, 2016.

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