
Links of the Week

Flowers inside people, new faces of old politicians and sweet pandas in the weekly digest by Bird In Flight.

Knock-Knock from the Bottom

Leandro Erlich created an illusion of a swimming pool.

The Future Is Now

Laurent Kronental demonstrates how architects saw the houses of the future 50 years ago.

Caramel Fish

Shinri Tezuka makes sweet octopuses, pandas and frogs.


Lola Dupre creates surreal collages with portraits of politicians, heroes of famous paintings and passersby.

Useful Potholes

Davide Luciano and Claudia Ficca know how to make use of potholes.

Alone in the City

Fabiano Rodrigues created a project about the interaction between skateboard culture and urban architecture.

Paper Illusion

Katharine Morling does ‘3D paintings’ from ceramics, which look like paper sculptures.

Flesh of Flesh

Travis Bedel offers his view on the human anatomy.


Benoit Jammes found a use for old cassettes.

Clay World

Irma Gruenholz comes up with stories from clay and plasticine.

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