
Links of the Week

A 45 kg dress made of bees, dogs by Jeff Koons, a mountain under a blanket and aged celebrities in the weekly digest by Bird In Flight.

Guess a City

Laird Kay made a universal profile of a big city from LEGOs.

Baby, It’s Cold Outside

Lars Bergström and Mats Bigert wrapped the top of the Kebnekaise mountain in Sweden in a reflective blanket to slow the melting of the snow.

Square Minimalism

Maik Lipp takes minimalistic photos of the city and posts them on Instagram.

Dotted Drawing

Xavier Casalta draws with dots.

Koons Dog

Jeff Koons reproduces reality in kitsch sculptures from steel.

Under the Cat’s Tail

Andrius Burba captures cats from the bottom up.

Alien World

Filip Hodas creates realistic landscapes for imaginary worlds.

Bee King

Beekeeper She Ping tried on a dress made of bees that weighed 45 kg to advertise honey from his apiary.

Actors from the Beginning of the Century

Victoria Will took a series of pictures of celebrities using daguerreotypes.

Ghosts of the City

Li-Hill creates murals where characters resemble hovering ghosts.

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