NASA Publishes Satellite Photographs of ‘Red River’ in Norilsk

According to the Agency, the river was red since mid-1990s.

NASA released photographs of the vicinity of Nadezhda factory near Norilsk taken from space with the 15 year interval, which both shows red color of the waters of Daldykan River.

The photos were taken in August 2001 and August 2016. Both images show streams of red fluid coming from the pipe that leads to the tailing pond. NASA explains that Daldykan River flows under the pipe.

The red hue in the waters around Norilsk was observed on several occasions, including in July 2015, July 2014 August 2013, July 1998, and September 1997. The images show the river during warm seasons when the water is not frozen.

The Agency writes that streams of red fluid flowing into Daldykan are coming from the pipeline of Nadezhda steel mill, owned by Norilsk Nickel.

On September 12, Nornickel reported the results of their investigation about the discoloration of Daldykan River. According to the report, in 2015 and 2016 the company was renovating its tailings pond and pipeline of hydrometallurgy shop of Nadezhda steel mill. “Filtration dams were installed at the intersections of pipes, to prevent the remains of technical water from flowing into the river. However, on September 5, due to anomalous rain (about 50% of the monthly rainfall fell in one day), one of the dams overflew, which caused the water to flow into Daldykan River,” Nornickel’s statement says.

The company underlined that the discoloration is temporary and is not dangerous for either people or animals living in the river.

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