Netflix launched 2 grant programmes for Ukrainian cinematographers

The Ukrainian Film Academy together with the House of Europe have introduced the start of cooperation with Netflix – they’ve launched 2 initiatives supporting the cinematographers who were affected by the war or had to relocate due to it.

The UA Film Academy programme is to give out 48 grants, $15 each, for the script development by the two-person teams (screenwriter and producer), as well as online sessions with the international industry experts. You can apply here..

The House of Europe programme will provide for a hundred €1K scholarships for all kinds of creators; filmmaking, post-production and pitching training from Netflix for beginners and intermediate creators. You can sign up for participation here.

The application deadline is August 18, 2022. Netflix Fund for Creative Equity supports the initiatives financially: this global fund aims to create opportunities for people from underrepresented or marginalized communities.

The Ukrainian Film Academy, which is an association of experts, was founded in 2016 to support and develop modern Ukrainian cinema. House of Europe is an EU program, created to support professional and creative exchange between Ukrainians and their colleagues throughout the EU countries. The project concentrates on culture and the creative sector, education, medicine, social entrepreneurship, media, and activities for youth.

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