A 22-year old Brit won the contest of the Royal Photographic Society

The photo taken by William Lakin was voted the best during the International Print Exhibition contest.

22-year old photographer William Lakin from Brighton won the International Print Exhibition contest, organized by the Royal Photographic Society. Lakin’s picture that captured three teenagers was voted the best in category “Photographers of age 30 and younger”.

“I met those three guys one cold Saturday morning in March of 2013 in Great Yarmut, where I was photographing my project Florida Club, – Lakin says. – I thought that these particular teens reflect the spirit of the city, which used to be a popular British resort, and now is trying to change and adapt”.

William Lakin was awarded £1,000 for his picture, according to Amateur Photographer.

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“alt”: “A 22-year old Brit won the contest of the Royal Photographic Society”

Note: RPS International Print Exhibition is the world’s longest running exhibition organized annually since 1854. This year over 1,700 photographers, who submitted over 6,600 photos, competed for the right to participate in the event. A hundred of the best photographs will be displayed at Greenwich Heritage Centre in London from 31 July till 28 August.

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