Female Farmers From Florida Print Nude Calendar

Women will to pose for the Farmers Tans Calendar to collect money to buy land for a farm.

Clair Mitchell and Danielle Krasniqi have leased land to run Ten-Speed Greens Urban Farm in Tallahassee (Florida), that used to supply vegetables to 13 restaurants. The farm closed in the summer of 2014 because the landlord wanted to develop the property. The women decided to become landowners and have launched a fundraising campaign: Clair and Danielle as well as women who work on the farm posed nude for the calendar – with vegetables.

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The organizers already have collected more than $16,000, twelve thousand more than the requested $4,000. After purchasing the land, they wanted to continue growing vegetables, teach workshops, host farm to table dinners, organize a kids after school gardening program, and open a farm store.
You can donate to Farmer Tans Calendar Printing till 16 October.

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