Matt Black Wins the W. Eugene Smith Grant

The author will receive $30,000 for his longstanding contribution to humanistic photography.

American photographer Matt Black won the annual $30 000 grant from the W. Eugene Smith Memorial Fund, Time reports.

“I’m deeply honored and humbled to receive this grant. The support this grant gives my work is invaluable.” — Black said.

A 45-year-old photographer has been documenting the life in the California’s Central Valley for the past two decades. He aims to draw attention to the economic hardship that the local population is facing.

His works became popular last year after they were published on Instagram. Black was awarded prizes on photo contests and presented his works at the exhibitions all over the world. Among other awards, he was called the best Instagram photographer of Time magazine. Several months earlier, with support from MSNBC, the Magnum Foundation, the Pulitzer Center, Black took his project across America, visiting 70 cities where the poverty rate is above 20%.

William Eugene Smith Memorial Fund was established in 1980 and issues annual grants for contribution to humanistic photography.

Toledo, OH. Toledo is a city in Lucas County, Ohio. The population is 287,208 and 27.2% live below the poverty level. #geographyofpoverty

Фото опубликовано Matt Black (@mattblack_blackmatt)

Farmworker camp. Alpaugh, CA. #geographyofpoverty

Фото опубликовано Matt Black (@mattblack_blackmatt)

Homeless camp. Fresno, CA. #geographyofpoverty

Фото опубликовано Matt Black (@mattblack_blackmatt)

Guard dog. Mendota, CA. #geographyofpoverty

Фото опубликовано Matt Black (@mattblack_blackmatt)

Country road. Lindsay, CA. #geographyofpoverty

Фото опубликовано Matt Black (@mattblack_blackmatt)

All photos: Matt Black

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