Monty Python Released Terry Gilliam’s Unpublished Animation

The comedy group posted a collection of animation fragments that did not make it into the final version of Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

British comedy group Monty Python published on their YouTube channel a series of animations by Terry Gilliam, which were created for Monty Python and the Holy Grail movie, but did not make it into the final version of the film, Open Culture writes.

The first half of the 14-minute-long video is accompanied by the author’s comment on how each of the animations was created, and the second half of the video shows the animations with original sound.

In one of his comments Gilliam jokingly says, among other things: “I could have gone on to become a great animator but was forced into live action film”.

Animation fragments by Terry Gilliam were usually shown in a break between Monty Python’s comedy sketches and became of the signature thing of the group, embodying their absurd humor.


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