Designers Named the Greatest Logos of All Time

Co.Design asked seven designers from different companies and studios to name the most iconic logos in history.

Co-founders of Base Design, Min Lew and Thierry Brunfant, chose a tourist logo of New York City by Milton Glaser, which they consider the most famous city logo. Eddie Opara from Pentagram suggested the logo of Bass brewery created in 1875, which is the first registered trademark in the UK. “It’s a classic, the first, and hard to beat,” Opara says.

Armin Vit from Under Consideration could not choose one: he thinks that IBM logo designed in 1972 and the emblem of the Summer Olympics in Mexico in 1968 are the best. He said the former one was ‘timeless’, and the latter ‘was the perfect visual manifestation of a specific time and place in history’.

Jonny Naismith, design director at Moving Brands, chose the logo for London’s Victoria & Albert Museum. “It’s just a perfect balance of elegance and intrigue,” he says. John Paolini, creative director at Sullivan, chose three circles that symbolize Mickey Mouse. And Toby Southgate, CEO of Brand Union chose Ferrari logo.


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