Photographer Captured Lava, the Moon, a Meteor and the Milky Way in One Shot

The photograph went viral on social networks and had dozens of thousands likes.

American photographer Mike Mezeul, who was working in the Volcanoes National Park in Hawaii several days ago, managed to take a shot that captures lava, the Moon, a meteor, and the Milky Way together, Colossal writes.

Photographer says that at first he planned to take a photograph of a volcanic eruption, but soon realized he can capture something even more unique.

“When I found this surface flow and saw the clouds had cleared out, I knew I needed to at least try to get the stars above with the lava,” the 32-year-old photographer says. “As twilight faded, I saw that the position of the moon—which was just a sliver—was to the right of the Milky Way so I figured what the heck, might as well try to get the Milky Way with the lava.”

All photos: Mike Mezeul

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