NYC Burger King Turned into McDonald’s Ghost for Halloween

The company couldn't help teasing their main competitor on the eve of October 31.

Burger King turned the facade of one of its restaurants in New York into the ghost of its main competitor, Adweek writes. the building was covered with a huge sheet, and the signboard next to it said: “Booooooo! Just kidding, we still flame grill our burgers. Happy Halloween.”

Earlier this year, another advertising standoff between the companies went viral: then, McDonald’s ordered to install two billboards styled as road signs on the side of the road in France, which featured the distance to the nearest restaurants of both fast food networks. They said that the driver would have to drive 258km to the nearest Burger King, whereas the trip to McDonald’s would only be 5km.

Burger King answered with a short video that has since been viewed over 3 million times.

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