IKEA Makes One of Its Show Rooms Look Like a Damaged House in Syria

The installation was visited by over 80,000 people in two weeks.

IKEA remodeled a show room in one of its stores in Bærum, Norway, turning it into a damaged Syrian house, Adweek writes. This way, the company wants to draw the attention of the shop visitors to the problems of Syrians and encourage them to donate to the International Committee of the Red Cross.

The price tags attached to the displayed objects feature, instead of prices, the story of a typical Syrian family and everyday challenges that it faces: lack of water and food, difficulties in accessing medical care.

“We already had a lot of footage from within Syria, but no matter how emotional it was, nothing got close to the experience of visiting people in a war zone. We realized we could give Norwegians that experience,” Snorre Martinsen, one of the authors of the campaign, said.

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