Anonymous Enthusiast Creates Table From IKEA Catalogue

To prove how eco-friendly furniture should look, a fan of came up with an alternative design of a famous IKEA table design.

According to, a project from an unknown designer appeals to the IKEA goal of manufacturing simple to assemble, elegant, functional and fully recyclable furniture. To made his/her own IKEA-table, the designer needed three components: PVA glue, water and two IKEA catalogues.

He or she started by dampening the catalogue pages to make them malleable enough to shape into a form. Then the designer covered the table with a pattern made from pictures and texts. Finally, it was illustrated with DIY instruction on how to make the table at home.

{ “img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/table-ikea-catalogue-furniture-designboom-011.jpg”, “text”: ” ” },
{ “img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/table-ikea-catalogue-furniture-designboom-03.jpg”, “text”: ” ” },
{ “img”: “/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/table-ikea-catalogue-furniture-designboom-04.jpg”, “text”: ” ” }

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