
Links of the Week

Princesses whose stature sank in the world, dogs in biker jackets, newspapers full of holes, and Legos for blind people in the weekly digest by Bird In Flight.

Where the Sun Never Shines

Dani Olivier changes nude photography, projecting light patterns on the bodies of models.

Fill in the Blanks

Myriam Dion cuts out large-scale stained-glass prints from newspapers.

Life after the Fairy-Tale

Dina Goldstein imagines the lives of fairy-tale princesses beyond the “they lived long and happily ever after”.

Looking Alive

Guido Mocafico photographs the figures of sea creatures created by the Blaschka family of glass-blowers.

Pretend Carpet

Lisa Nilsson weaves carpets and pictures from paper. It took the artist 8 months to complete her last work.

The Alien

James Popsys adds fresh details to landscapes.

Blind Play

Lew’Lara/TBWA advertising agency and Dorina Nowill Foundation developed building blocks that will help blind children learn Braille.

Black-and-White World

Andrea Minini creates animals in art moiré style.

Virtual Ping-Pong

Thomas Mayer developed an interactive table tennis trainer. The direction of the ball, hints, and analytics based on the results of the matches are shown on the table.

Same Same

Chantal Adair dressed the most popular Instagram dogs in the clothes of their owners.

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