Video: Monkeys Mourn a Robot Masked as One of Them

BBC One showed a teaser for Spy in the Wild.

Spy in the Wild will premiere on BBC One on January 12 — the show was created with the help of over thirty animatronic creatures equipped with hidden cameras to shoot wildlife. Before the premiere, a teaser for episode one of the show was published on YouTube, Gizmodo writes.

The scene shows a group of Langur monkeys mourns a robot masked as one of them. The animatronic monkey was filming things with the help of a built-in eye camera, but at some point one of the other monkeys pushed it off the tree where it was located.

After this, a group of other langurs considered the robot dead and starting mourning it. Monkeys gathered around the ‘body’ and hugged each other, as if it was their own baby that had died.

Spy in the Wild has been underway for the past three years. The shooting was done in 21 countries of the world, and with the help of robots that can shoot in 4K, the authors have managed to record over 8,000 hours.

The authors say that using ‘spy creatures’ they managed to get as close as possible to wild nature — in a way that would have never been possible for a human.

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