The New York Times Publishes Emine Ziyatdinova’s Project about Crimea after Annexation
The New York Times published Emine Ziyatdinova’s photo project about life in Crimea after it was annexed by Russia in 2014. People in many of the photographs are the relatives of the photographer, Crimean Tatars, who made the decision to stay in their native land despite the recent event.
The photographer says that also the project aimed to document the changes in the life of the peninsula, it turned out not that easy to do. The conflict is not open, where all the hardship of the local population would be apparent: the main difference is in the mood and behavior of people.
“In photos, it all looks the same: my parents go to work, my grandmother is at home and village life continues,” Ziyatdinova says. “But everything has drastically changed for everyone, like what people say and don’t say. Especially what they don’t say.”
All photographs of the series are available here.