PETA Writes Letter to Tim Burton

PETA Writes Letter to Tim Burton /h1> PETA members asked that Burton change the ending of his version of the film about Dumbo, the flying elephant.

After Disney announced that Tim Burton will be directing a live-action adaptation of classic film “Dumbo” (1941), People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) wrote him a letter asking to change the ending of the film.

The original film tells the story of circus elephant Dumbo, who is bullied because of his big years. But with a help of a friend he learns how to fly using his big ears as wings. The story ends with Dumbo and his Mom getting a private train car for themselves, and Dumbo’s mother is no longer chained. PETA thinks the ending is not happy enough because elephants are still circus animals.

“We’re hopeful that in your adaptation of Dumbo, the young elephant and his mother can have a truly happy ending by living out their lives at a sanctuary instead of continuing to be imprisoned and abused in the entertainment industry,” writes PETA senior Vice President Lisa Lange.

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