Festival Of Ice Sculptures Opens In China

Artists built an entire ice city including an ice palace for a group wedding ceremony.

The annual International Ice and Snow Festival, opened on January 6th in Harbin, China says Australian Times. Artists have created an entire ice city with a castle, a labyrinth, ice alleys and snow sculptures, which are illuminated in the evening with multi-colored lights. For the opening, a group wedding ceremony for 11 couples from China, Russia and Egypt has been organized.

The Festival is the largest ice sculpture competition in the world; it has been conducted for 32 years. Harbin lies in China’s north and because of the Siberian cold winds the average winter temperature is an average of minus 17 degrees Celsius. The festival runs for a month, however; snowy structures are not usually removed; they melt in spring.

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In 2007 Niagara Falls ice sculpture, made of 13,000 cubic metres of snow, was recognized by the Guinness World Record as the world’s largest ice sculpture.

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