Infographic of the Day: The Map of Domain Names

This is what the map of the world would look like if the size of each country depended on the number of websites registered on its national domain.

British company Nominet developed an infographic called The Online World, where it visualized data about the most popular top-level domains on a world map with the size of each country determined by the number of websites that use its national domain.

It is interesting to note that Tokelau has the biggest territory on the map: there are more than 31 mln websites on the web with the .tk domain. Chinese .cn places second, with almost 17 mln web addresses, and German .de places third with 16 mln.

According to Wired, the popularity of Tokelau is explained by the fact that .tk is the only domain that can be registered for free.

The Online World map in high resolution (5,000×2,700; 1.98 Mb) is available here.

Cover photo: / westpark

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