ISIS Hostage Releases 10th and Last Video

In a 12 minute video, British photojournalist John Cantlie, a hostage of terrorists, gives a tour of the Syrian town Aleppo.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) released a new propaganda video, “From Inside Halab,” with British photojournalist John Cantlie giving a tour of the Syrian city, Aleppo, on the frontline of battles between militants of ISIL, the Free Syrian Army, various rebel groups and fighters loyal to the regime of Syria’s president Bashar Assad.

In a film Cantlie talks about the shelling of residential areas by the US army, incoherence of the Western legislation system, and true faith. He claims that the local TV channel is better than American channels, and says that in contrast to European and American governments, the Sharia law has not changed for a thousand years. He also interviews militants. One of the militiants, who is French, calls for further attacks similar to those that happened in France.

John Cantlie has been held captive by ISIL since November 2012. He was captured with journalist James Foley, who was beheaded in August of 2014.

Cantlie has appeared in 10 videos released by ISIL. According to the journalist this video is last of the series. Previously, Cantlie said that he knows what will happen to him – most likely he will be executed like his colleagues, reports Daily Mail.

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