Link of the Day: 170,000 Photos of the Great Depression

Yale University published the archive that covers the period between 1935 and 1945.

Yale University published on their website a photo collection titled Photogrammar that includes roughly 170,000 photographs taken between 1935 and 1945. It is reported that all photographs in this archive were taken on commission of the US government agencies and were stored in the Library of Congress for 50 years.

The photographs, which were taken, among others, by Arthur Rothstein, Walker Evans and Dorothea Lange, are sorted by themes and categories: People As Such, Work, Cities and Towns, Transportation, War, Religion and others. Besides, there is also an interactive map of the US on the project’s website, which allows you to see the shooting location of the each photograph.

Cover photo: 

Dorothea Lange / The Library of Congress


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