Unbreaking a Heart: Life after the End of a Relationship in Laura Stevens’ Project 46 759 Irina Sklyar 29.02.2016
Sebastião Salgado: Not All Photographers Understand the Society They Live In 27 460 Olga Osipova 26.02.2016
First Steps after Donbass: Rehabilitation of Veterans in Pavlo Bishko’s Project 3 222 Olga Osipova 25.02.2016
Pixel Art: Mosaics of the Soviet Ukraine in Eugene Nikiforov’s Project 14 029 Olga Osipova 23.02.2016
Missionary Impossible: Gay Kamasutra for Mormons in Neil Dacosta’s Project 117 024 Anton Shebetko 17.02.2016
You Can’t Cure Silicosis, but You Can Live with It: A Story of a Chinese Gold Miner in Sim Chi Yin’s Project 6 945 Anna Urukova 16.02.2016
The Best Covers in 40 Years: Who Made Bloomberg Businessweek Magazine Look Interesting? 4 865 Darina Solodova 15.02.2016