Award for Innovative Photography Bird in Flight Prize ‘20 Opens Call for Entries

The main prize is €2 000. Best projects will be chosen by the international jury board: curators, photographers, artists, and photo editors from the UK, the Netherlands, Spain, Poland, and Sweden.

On 16 July, a call for entries for Bird in Flight Prize started. It is an international photo contest that Bird in Flight magazine runs the third consecutive year to support authors who think outside the box of traditional standards.

Photographers all over the world can participate. The choice of theme is unrestricted. To apply, an author should submit a photo series (from 5 to 12 images). A project may also include additional media attachments. The application fee is €15; the deadline is 30 August 2020.

This year, the judges are:

  • curator, director of photography at Financial Times FT Weekend Magazine Emma Bowkett (the UK)
  • artist, professor of photography at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague (KABK) Ari Versluis (the Netherlands)
  • curator, artistic director of the international photo festival Cortona On The Move Arianna Rinaldo (Spain)
  • photographer, founder of the Ukrainian Photography Alternative (UPHA) Misha Pedan (from Ukraine, based in Sweden)
  • curator, head of the Dissemination Department of the Museum of Photography in Krakow Agnieszka Olszewska (Poland)
  • photographer, Bird in Flight Prize ‘19 winner Shadman Shahid (from Bangladesh, currently based in the Netherlands)
  • writer, teacher, photographer Colin Pantall (the UK)

The ten best projects determined by the judges will be published on Bird in Flight. The winner will be announced on 30 October and will receive a €2 000 prize.

In the special nomination of the Samsung Readers’ Choice Award the best project will be chosen by readers. 30 photo series selected by the editors of Bird in Flight will compete for the award. The winner will be determined by open voting through the contest website and will get a smartphone Galaxy S20 Ultra, a special prize from the partner of the award Samsung.

Another 25 applicants will receive a portfolio review by the jury. This year, the portfolio review will be held online. Submission for the review selection costs an extra €10.

Bird in Flight Prize has been held annually since 2018. Last year, Shadman Shahid from Bangladesh won with the “No Quarter” project. Photographers from 57 countries took part in the contest. Shortlist 2019 is available on the Bird in Flight.

To learn more about the contest rules and to apply, please visit the Bird in Flight Prize website.

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