Bird in Flight Prize ‘19 Finalist: Keep Those Bad Guys Out
Seth Johnson, USA
Upon moving into my home, my sense of security was shattered. The sense of violation tied to an invasion of private space isn’t easily shaken. Such violation elicits an immediate, often excessive, shift in state of mind and alters the perception of our surroundings. It changed how I think about and occupy my home. I made myself think like a burglar in order to stay one step ahead.
I found myself sliding down a slippery slope towards paranoia and couldn’t help but think this isn’t the way it should be. I became suspicious of my own motives and conscious of their absurdity. After attempting to describe these feelings, humor proved to be the most effective vehicle in defining the absurd.
These phobic feelings do not leave me when I leave my home. As I walk through my neighborhood, I identify the weaknesses in my neighbors defense systems. As I walk, I’m also keenly aware of how I may be perceived. I watch them as they watch me, and I have become the threat that I’m protecting against.
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