Video: Russian Football Hooligans Filmed Their Attack on British Fans

The start of Euro 2016 will be remembered mostly for violent clashes.

A video of an attack by Russian football hooligans on British fans in Marseille made with a GoPro camera was published online, The Independent writes. The original video was posted on the LiveLeak website. It shows how the Russians attack English ultras with chairs, metal rods and bottles. It is reported that as a result of group fights before and after the match between Russia and England, 35 fans were injured and 20 people were detained.

Marseille prosecutor Brice Robin said that the fights were started by 150 Russian fans who came to Marseille on a train with their weapons. He said they were extremely violent and well-trained and asked the fans to be careful and not to let themselves be provoked.

Cover photo: LEON NEAL / AFP / East News

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