SpaceX Posts a Perfectionist Landing of Falcon 9

SpaceX posts a photograph of Falcon 9 landing where the shadow of the rocket hits the landing target perfectly.

The launch took place at the US Air Force base in California. Falcon 9 put ten Iridium satellites into orbit, after that the first stage headed to the Earth and landed on a floating platform in the Pacific ocean. This is the first SpaceX launch after Falcon 9 exploded at the launch site in September and the first landing of the rocket in the Pacific ocean.

The photograph was taken with Canon 6D with exposure of 1/2500 seconds and ISO 125. The camera was fixed on the barge in advance, and the photographs were taken remotely. SpaceX regularly posts pictures of launches and landings of their rockets, and the head of the company Elon Musk publishes short videos of Falcon 9 landings (both successful and unsuccessful). All photographs from the launch on January 14 are available here.


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