Korean Designers Create “Scare Off” Photo Jacket

Creators of a mirror that is capable of detecting faces invented aposematic jacket with auto registration function.

Creative duo of designers and inventors Shin Seung Back and Kim Yong Hun from Shinseungback Kimyonghun have made the aposematic jacket, which can scare off muggers by showing possible documentation of surroundings. The invention is similar to the autologger: a non-stop video recording that can help re-create events, with pictures of faces of criminals.

Aposematism is a technique used by some animal owners, and assists in scaring off predators (for example with the loud voices and bright colors). Shin Back and Kim Hun decided to use the same principle: their jacket was created for people wanting to avoid unpleasant confrontations. When the wearer pushes a button, the jacket records the scene in 360 degrees and sends the images to the Web.

Shinseungback Kimyonghun also developed an app mirror which avoid faces, application projects “The God’s Scripts”, which displays a sequence of words in sacral text followed by each word’s first google image search result updated in real-time.

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