British Director Shows the Evolution of Stop-Motion Movies

Vugar Efendi shows how stop-motion changed between 1900 and 2016.

Aspiring British film director Vugar Efendi gathered 39 stop-motion videos created since 1900 in a three-minute compilation, The Evolution of Stop-Motion, which shows how the technique developed, PetaPixel writes.

The video starts with clips from The Enchanted Drawing, a silent film created in 1900, and ends with Kubo and Two Strings by Laika Entertainment, which is impressively high-tech.

Slow-motion movies are made by shooting with the frequency over the standard 24 frames per second. It is considered to have been invented by the Austrian priest and physicist August Musger, who developed slow motion technology with the help of a mirrored drum as a synchronization mechanism. The device that he invented was patented in 1904 and first used in a cinema in Graz in 1907.


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